4 Aug, 2023


Digital Quality Inspection (DQI), does that speak to you?

The DQI software is born in Italy in 2021, to perform remote inspection and quality control activities. At that time, EDF needed to regularly audit the construction of a 200 tons high pressure heaters built by STF BalckeDuerr / STF LOTERIOS for the French nuclear power plants, when the Covid prevented the EDF inspectors from travelling.

Northern Italy is rich in highly qualified medium-sized industrial companies, which work with customers and suppliers spread all over the world.

Quality control is extremely important and can represent up to 10% of the cost of the finished product.

INSPECTO Italia SRL was created this Tuesday on 25th of July 2023, to propose INSPECTO DQI solution to these great Italian companies. It combines all technologies needed for inspections, controls and audits, into a single tool:

– Remote & local inspection
– Compliance and non-conformities follow-up
– Information and status shared internally and externally in real time
– Automatic report writing
– Artificial Intelligence
– Statistics
– Inspection templates and digital signatures
– Full traceability and much more…

50% cost savings, improved quality and productivity gains are the 3 pillars of the software.

Inspecto Italia Srl is headed by Daniele Brunetti, ex-director of DBM SpA and STF Balcke Duerr, co-founder of the company and INSPECTO software.

Paolo Scolari, an expert inspector and the french company PRODUCTYS headed by Stephane CREPET also bring their experience and are associated to the capital of the company.

A big thank you to Marion YVOREL and Loriana Baldino from CCI France-Italie, Nathalie Maire from Bpi France, Pierre CASTELBOU from Team France Export and Maregion Sud for their support over the past few months.

Stay tuned!